Birthday Week

Repost as hopefully the video will work this time!

This week our topic has been ‘birthdays’ and the children have been really enthusiastic about it by writing invitations, birthday cards and thanks you letters, setting up birthday parties in the role play area, wrapping presents, and singing happy birthday in french and mandarin! Herbert’s party was the icing on the cake and its was great fun.

In maths this week we have continued the birthday theme by looked at significant numbers (our birthdays) and counting on 1 more.

Our sounds this week have been

/b/ bat and ball
/l/ licking lollies
/f/ four funny faces
/h/ hopping in a hurry

All in all it has been a brilliant first half of term in RSL and it has been such a pleasure teaching such a fantastic class! We have had lots of fun on our learning journey so far and masses of thanks to you all for your continued support.

We will be looking at fairy tales in the next half of term and as a result will be changing our role play area and building a new one together as a class. If you receive any parcels with big and small boxes please save them and bring them into class for us to use. Also any swords, shields, goblets or other fairy tale themed fancy dress or props will be greatly welcomed!

Have a wonderful half term holiday!